Available now

My Patient Has an Eating Disorder:
What Now?

Eating Disorder Sensitive: Education for Physicians and Primary Care Providers

Build your capacity and increase your confidence when caring for patients with eating disorders or disordered eating.

This course is eligible to count for 2 Non-Certified Activity Credits with the College of Family Physicians of Canada. 



90 Days


~ 2 hours



Group rates available, contact info@bodybrave.ca
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Learning Experience Design and Video Production by Enable Education.

What you are going to learn

Buying This Course Saves Lives

All proceeds of this course go to helping people struggling with devastating eating disorders. 

This introductory training course is designed for primary care providers, including family doctors, physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses.

This course is brought to you by the Body Peace Collaborative, a network of 3 eating disorder organizations: Body Brave, Eating Disorders Nova Scotia and Bridgepoint Centre for Eating Disorders.
1) Assessment of Eating Disorders
2) Managing and Monitoring Clients
3) Referring Clients with Eating Disorders
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The content covers six core competency areas for those identified as shared care professionals or recovery support professionals, as per the NEDC's Workforce Core Competencies:

 1. "General knowledge of the clinical features of eating disorders, common treatments and the individual experience of recovery.

2. "Ability to identify warning signs of eating disorders and disordered eating and to conduct initial assessment within the scope of usual professional role.

3. "Ability to engage the person with an eating disorder and family in a non-judgemental manner and to motivate engagement with and refer to relevant health services and treatments.

4. "Ability to support the person and their family to facilitate personal recovery."

5. "Ability to contribute to multidisciplinary team assessment, care planning and treatment within scope of usual professional role."

6. "Knowledge of current clinical practices and standards in the treatment of eating disorders."

enjoy live learning

Our Eating Disorder Sensitive for Primary Care Providers is available live throughout the year.

These live trainings remain accredited with the College of Family Physicians for 4 Mainpro+ credits.

more information to come

October 20th, 2022
7pm-9pm EST

Eating Disorder Sensitive for PCP's will be presented live at the Body Peace Conference.

February 2nd, 2023
7pm-9pm EST

Eating Disorder Sensitive for PCP's will be held live to honour Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

June 1st, 2023
7pm-9pm EST

Eating Disorder Sensitive for PCP's will be presented live to celebrate World Eating Disorder Action Day.